Going Zero to Sixty with your Workout
We’ve all been there. You feel out of shape, like you’ve packed on a few extra pounds, maybe you’ve been lazy for just a bit too long. Then suddenly something motivates you to get your act together and start working out. You want to ride this wave of ambition, so you go all out. On day one you go for a couple of mile run. On day two you hit up an aerobic workout class. Day three you go for another run, this time even further.
Guess what happens on day four? You crash! You wake up sore. Your legs feel like jelly. You’re exhausted beyond belief. Worst of all, you feel really discouraged. You consider why you even attempted to work out in the first place. Maybe it’s just not your thing. You didn’t feel THAT bad before you started. Certainly, you felt better than you do right now.
Here’s the harsh truth – you set yourself up for failure right from the beginning. You broke the cardinal rules when it comes to kick-starting your fitness routine. First, you went too hard too fast. You incorporated way too much cardio into your schedule. Finally, you didn’t let your muscles recover from the new strain you put on them.
When it comes to ramping up your workouts, or simply starting to work out, you must take baby steps. Your body needs time to adjust to the new movement, time to repair in between workouts, and time to ease into a new normal routine. Here are my five tips for creating a workout routine that lasts!
Start Slow – If you haven’t worked out at all, start with a short daily walk. Walking is highly underrated and an amazing way to ease into movement for your body. If you work out sporadically and want to ramp things up, try taking things up one very minor notch. If you use 5lb weights, try using 7lbs. If you run 2 miles, try running 2.5. If you work out on your own, try a workout class.
Listen to your Body – You should feel the burn, but you shouldn’t feel pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, listen to it. Make sure you stretch both before and after
your workouts, this will help keep your muscles long and lean, and reduce the risk of
injury.Modifications are your Friend – If you partake in organized workout classes, stick to
ones that cater to all fitness levels. The best workout instructors provide modifications
either to make a move easier or to make it harder. When you are getting started, be
sure to try the modified version first before you work your way up to the more
advanced stuff. I promise you will still get a great workout!Embrace Active Rest Days – I work active rest days into EVERY one of my clients
routines. Active rest day means giving your body a break from the high-intensity or
resistance type workouts, without being a couch potato. As your body adjusts to more
movement, it’s important to rest your muscles but to not leave them stagnant for an
entire day. 30 minutes of walking, yoga, stretching, or an activity like gardening or
cleaning is perfect for active rest days.Find Balance – I have literally seen it all when it comes to being a personal trainer.
People who insist upon two workouts a day, people that fall for the gimmicks that
promise instant results in as little as one week, people who only do cardio and do it
every day. These things always lead to burnout, injury, and/or no progress. Focus your
workout routines on a healthy balance of cardio, resistance training, and rest. These are
the building blocks to achieving all your health and fitness goals.
Ready to build a workout routine that lasts? Don’t rush the process - start slow, listen to your body, and embrace balance. If you’re looking for a program that helps you ease into fitness with manageable, consistent workouts, try Body In Motion! My virtual training program is designed to meet you where you are and guide you toward building lasting, healthy habits. Sign up now and get your first week free!