5 Tips for Avoiding Fitness Burnout

Fitness burnout is real, and almost inevitable if you don't approach your workout routine the right way (with the right mindset!)

It’s important to not go too hard too quickly - although it might seem like a good idea at the time. When you’ve been away from your usual workout routine, or you’re just starting up, it’s important to give yourself the time to grow and progress. By doing that, you give yourself a chance to create a sustainable lifestyle change.

Despite having the best of intentions it's easy to lose that same motivation that you had when you first started. Here are five tips to avoid fitness burnout.

  1. Take it slow - If you are just beginning a workout program, start small and low to allow yourself time to grow. If you are coming back from a long break, it’s okay to regress back because you will build yourself back up to where you were. Rather than trying to keep up with others, focus on yourself in the current moment and be okay with where you are at today. Listen to your body and understand where your level is now. Set your goal for progression, not perfection.

  2. Set realistic and achievable goals - If you are just beginning or it’s been a while since you worked out consistently, set goals that you know can be attained. Maybe start with a goal of working out three days a week, allowing yourself rest days in between for your body to recover. Then increase the number of days to four once the three days have become a habit and keep increasing until you reach your ultimate goal.

  3. Change up your routine - Avoid training the same muscle groups back to back days to give your body the rest and recovery it needs. You can split your days by alternating resistance and cardio. Or if you plan on having consecutive resistance days, you can alternate push day and pull day, or upper body and lower body. There are different ways you can split your days to train safely and effectively.

  4. Make time for rest and recovery - Rest and recovery is one thing that doesn’t get enough love. This is when muscle growth happens. This is when body repair occurs. This is when your body burns the most calories. By allowing yourself to rest, you actually push yourself closer to your goals.

  5. Focus on all aspects of fitness- Rather than only doing cardio, or only lifting weights, focus on all aspects of fitness. A well-balanced workout routine should incorporate all four of these types of workouts:

    • Aerobic Fitness (cardio) - improves your overall health and well-being by improving the function of your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and muscles

    • Muscular Fitness (resistance training) - improves your muscle and bone health

    • Flexibility and Mobility - help lengthen your muscles and improve your range of motion, allowing you to move your body better and can help prevent injuries.

    • Stability and balance - Your core is your body’s foundation. When you focus on exercises that target the center of your body, you can improve your stability and balance. This can help with posture, low back discomfort, and can help prevent falls.

If you are looking for a sustainable and effective workout routine that fits your schedule, try Body in Motion free for a week and experience the benefits of a well-balanced workout program.


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