Making Your New Year's Resolution & Tips for Sticking to it

As 2021 comes to an end, it is likely that you are thinking about what to make your new year's resolution. The best thing about the new year is that you get to start over. I love it because it feels like a fresh start as I look to the future and think about what I need to do in order to better my life. This year is a big one for me, as I embark on a new year of being an entrepreneur, a wife, a momma, and while welcoming my second child into the world. I am focused on maintaining my own healthy lifestyle while still finding new ways to inspire and motivate others to feel good about themselves!

For many, resolutions center around self-improvement and often include some element of health and fitness. Whether you want to drop those extra holiday pandemic pounds that you've put on, or eat healthier, or just become more active - now is the time to set your goals! Once you have your goal(s) in place, it's time to make an action plan that is going to be realistic and work for YOUR schedule. If you need help doing that, please be sure to schedule a free session with me to talk through what you are trying to achieve and come up with a game plan together that fits your lifestyle. The best way to set yourself up for success is to ensure you have the right plan and support in place to help you do your best!

Regardless of your resolution, try these healthy habit tips to keep you moving towards your biggest 2022 goals!

  1. Find physical activities that you actually like! Instead of forcing yourself to attend that spin class that you just hate, focus on movement that you look forward to doing. Maybe hiking is your thing, or yoga, or dancing! Find your favorites and work them into your routine at least a couple of times a week to keep you motivated and enjoying your movement sessions!

  2. Buddy up. People are much more likely to stick to something if they have an accountability buddy. Find a friend who has a similar goal to you and meet up for your workouts, or do them virtually together a couple of times a week. Don't have a friend to motivate you? Consider a virtual personal trainer who can help you personalize your plan and then cheer you along as you reach your goals!

  3. Switch it up. Doing the same workout day in and day out is not only boring, but it becomes ineffective and inefficient for your muscles. By incorporating variety into your weekly routine, you will work different parts of your body and ultimately experience better results. Try to find a balance between cardio, weight training, flexibility, and rest days for optimal results!

  4. Fuel your body. Moving your body is essential for any health goal, but most important is what you are putting into your body! My best advice for clients is to start by focusing on small, more frequent healthy meals that are a good combination of carbs, fats, and proteins to fuel your body throughout your day and keep your metabolism going.

  5. Eat colorfully. You don't have to be a certified nutritionist to make good decisions when it comes to eating. A good trick to try is to incorporate more color variety into your meals. No, this doesn't mean eating orange Cheetos and a blue energy drink. Rather, work fruits and vegetables into your meals whenever possible.

  6. Pay attention to your liquids. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate is my first rule. But then pay attention to the other liquids that you consume throughout your day. Most people don't realize how many calories and grams of sugar are in the juices, sodas, coffees, and alcoholic drinks that you indulge in. Some can be as bad or worse than scarfing down a huge cheeseburger.

  7. Cook more, dine out less. When you cook at home you have better control over the oils, ingredients, and portions that you consume. So a simple way to keep those things in check is to cut out as many meals "out" as possible. If you are going to head to a restaurant, avoid fast food establishments, fried food, and super big portions!

Following these simple but effective rules can really kick-start your new year's resolution progress and help you achieve your goals quicker. For more help and advice on becoming the happiest and healthiest version of you, check out my Body in Motion program and try it for free for a week to see if this unique program can help you!


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