30-Minute Workouts to Optimize your Time and Effort

What can you accomplish in 30 minutes?

You can read a few chapters in a book, shower, fold the laundry, watch an episode of your favorite show, take a cat nap, or even cook a meal. Most people don’t think they can squeeze in an effective workout in a half-hour, but the truth is… you can! How much time do you waste scrolling on social media, watching TV, texting with people about nothing, or watching reels? Probably way more than 30 minutes each day.

All you need is 30 minutes to get a quality workout that will leave you feeling amazing the rest of the day. In just 30 minutes you can move that much closer to your goals. In just 30 minutes you can feel stronger, taller, and more energized. It just takes commitment and consistency 30 minutes per day to change your life!

It's Your Time, Make The Most Out Of It.
Try these four tips to get the most out of your workout time to ensure you stick to it and don't quit!

Remove Distractions. The key to making the most of your half-hour is to treat it as the valuable time that it is! Put away your phone (unless you are bumping some motivation music of course) but no IG, no texting, no distractions during this time. Give yourself this time to focus on yourself, your health, your workout.

Plan Ahead. This is Another great trick! This will help you keep your workouts quick and efficient so that you don’t waste any time figuring out what you are going to do. If your brain already knows, you're more prepared and ready to go when the time comes! To optimize your time try finding a program or routine that you enjoy.

Organized Training. Circuit training is great for strength training or revving up your heart rate with a HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout. A circuit is when you choose three or more exercises that work for different muscle groups and repeat them. While you work one set of muscles in your circuit, you are resting the others. This allows you to get into the flow and not have to think about what comes next and you maximize your time spent. You can split the exercises by region, ie:  upper body and lower body,  or you can split them by movement, ie: push and pull.

Track Your Training. By focusing on large muscle groups your body will build lean mass which helps you tone and continue to build your strength! Keep track of your progress and what weights you use. If you're new to using hand weights, start small and then work your way up over time gradually. You don’t need to go heavy to get a good workout in!

Try out this favorite circuit of mine that works your whole body (with or without weights!)

10 Pushups (upper body)
20 Squats (lower body)
20 Renegade Row (upper body)
20 Glute Bridge (Lower Body)
Repeat 3 times!

With only 30 minutes of training, it’s important to keep yourself moving throughout the day for the best results. But the good news is, when you do make time for a workout, you have more energy to be more active throughout your day! Park further away in parking lots, choose to take the stairs, take a 10-minute walk, or stretch while you watch some TV. Finally, and maybe most importantly, hydrate and fuel! Drinking enough water, feeding your body the nutrients it needs, and getting ample sleep, will enable you to give your workouts 100%.

Need some inspiration to get into the habit of 30 minutes a day for yourself?! Try Body in Motion, my virtual personal training program that is packed with 30-minute workouts to help you keep it fun and meet your health and fitness goals! Get your first week free and try my four-week tone-up challenge that plans your workouts for you each day for a month!

Fire Hydrant Circles: Just like what it sounds like, when in an all-fours position with your hands shoulder-width apart, lift one leg to the side, up and away from your body at a 45-degree angle, keep your knee positioned at 90 degrees until it is aligned with your hips. (As if you are peeing on a fire hydrant like a dog.) Then lower your leg back to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Try three sets of 12-15 reps per side.

Floor Bridges: Lie flat on your back with your legs bent at a 45-degree angle and your feet shoulder-width apart. (You can hold a dumbbell on your hip muscles for some added resistance if you want.) Lift your hips upward by squeezing your glutes and driving your body weight through your heels. Hold the elevated position for 1-3 seconds and then release back down to the ground. Try three sets of 12-15 reps

Tight Knee Floor Bridge: Follow the same steps as above, but knock your knees together throughout the process. This will target a different area of your glutes!

REady to activate your glutes and take your workouts to the next level? Try these exercsies and feel the difference! If you’re looking for more expert tips, personalized workout guidance, and healthy recipes, sign up for my monthly newsletter at The Fit Girlw with Curls. Get exclusive content delivered straight to your inbox - let’s move stronger together!


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